Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Growth and Adventures

Hi dear ones,

It's been a while since my last update. The first year of our sweet little one's life was full and quite the adventure! We're now enjoying the toddler days with her, and it's quite a joy. She's talking up a storm these days, dancing lots, enjoying stickers & books, and her favorite is coloring! Plus, she's discovered the magic of bubbles. :)

Earlier this year, we discovered that we are expecting a second child. Our family expanding and growing, which is right in line with what the Lord has been speaking to us this year. He gave me the verse in Isaiah earlier this year - 54:2, "Enlarge the place of your tent, and let the curtains of your habitations be stretched out; do not hold back; lengthen the cords and strengthen your stakes."

This year, the Lord has truly expanded us. He nudged me to start a young Mom's study at my church, and it was such a blessing to me and other Mom's. We would gather weekly on Friday mornings for fellowship, prayer, and reading of a book aloud together with discussion. We shared our struggles, our fears, our joys, and our hardships and held one another in prayer. It was truly an expansion of my heart - in leadership and service, and such a blessing! My husband serves on our church's board of directors (vestry, as we call it in the Anglican church), and the Lord called him to step up and be our church's Treasurer for the year, which requires more of him.

It's good to step out of your comfort zone and do something that's unknown and a little scary. It helps us rely on the good Lord and it helps us grow - and we all need that! I also accepted a position at a wonderful non-profit in the area that's committed to helping individuals with sexual and relational brokenness and wounding. It has been such a blessing to serve there and bless others in this ministry. Another way the Lord has grown us is by nudging us to start a home group on Wednesday evenings. It's pretty small right now, but we're hopeful it will grow in the fall, and it's been a sweet time to grow in community and be supported in prayer with other believers.

On another note, I am working hard to grow my Arbonne business - tinamulkey.arbonne.com. It's been quite an adventure, and it will continue to be so. One of my joys with it is helping others become healthier versions of themselves with our 30 days to healthy living program, which helps individuals learn healthy eating habits and to remove allergenic and inflammatory foods from their diet. I will continue to press on, believing that by the end of this year, I will have a larger team to help grow and a bigger vehicle to help my family's finances.

We have some fun adventures planned for the summer. We just wrapped one of them up with a lovely trip to Williamsburg. We went down and stayed at the Historic Powhatan Resort - which I highly recommend! We had SO much space and it was beautiful with wonderful amenities. We spent some time in Colonial Williamsburg, at the pool where we stayed, and at Historic Jamestown. We definitely want to go back sometime and do some more exploring! Later this summer, we're heading back "home" to Kansas to visit our families for the 4th of July, and we're eagerly awaiting that visit. It'll be wonderful to reconnect with family - both immediate and extended and play together for a few days. Mid-July, we're headed to a Delaware beach for 4-5 days, and I am SUPER excited for a few days to relax and soak up the sun on the beach with my family. Towards the end of July, a dear college friend is coming to visit, and we're excited to explore with her and spend some quality time all together.

Finally, mid-August, my sweet little family is venturing to the St. Louis area. I have an Aunt who is a cloister nun at a convent there, so we are looking forward to visiting with her and introducing her to our sweet little girl. :) We'll stay with some of my husband's college friends that live in the area and enjoy exploring St. Louis. After that we're home until this sweet babe makes it's arrival mid-November. We have a few more months as a family of three, and we are looking forward to the Lord expanding us to a family of four! There's more growing to do in 2019 and we eagerly await it.

What type of adventures are you going to enjoy this summer and fall? How do you feel like the Lord is growing you in this season?

Until next time,
Tina Lou

Monday, March 5, 2018

Baby days

Hello friends,

Happy 2018, and almost happy "end to winter", as it were. Well, it's hard to believe, but we're already five months into our sweet daughter's life! Where has the time gone?! We are parents, and we are definitely smitten with our babe. She is so adorable and so much fun (most of the time)!

At the advice of my dear older sister, we followed babywise's schedule for her feedings and she's a great sleeper. Most nights she sleeps through the night, going at around 10 hours, which is pretty splendid. She's a good eater for the most part, and she's learning new things all the time. Motherhood is pretty grand. The only part of it I dislike is being away from her so much! I enjoyed my three months of leave with her, and now I am back at work full time. I didn't think it would be so hard, but it is. Most days, in the afternoons I miss her terribly and want to be holding, cuddling, giggling, and singing with her. But alas, I'm at my job instead. Grant is thriving as a her daddy. He's so good with her, and she loves her daddy so! They have a good time together, and it's so great to see how much he loves her. It grows the love between us for sure!

What else? Well, I feel like she has fit so well into the rhythms of our life that I may be doing something wrong, but I don't think I am. One of my dear friends said to me that being a mother is just being a truer version of oneself, and I am embracing that knowledge with full force. One of my favorite things is dance parties with her. I put on a fun song on YouTube and sing along to it and bop her around and she giggles and thinks it's so great.

I think that we will be happy with one for quite a while. I don't believe I will be one of those moms who wants another kiddo right after her first birthday. I could be wrong, but I doubt it. What am I learning in this season of life? Well, for starters the simple things in life are the best. Having a baby helps me see what matters most. Loving one another, slowing down and enjoying the moments, breathing. See, nursing takes quite a bit of time, and so there's time to think, reflect, and ponder. It's a sweet thing to see her experiencing life for the first time - as she discovers her hands, enjoys her milk, gets stronger with tummy time, or realizes something for the first time, it helps me in turn slow down. Sweet family time is some of the best these days. And all those demands, the endless to-do list, it all just seems less important than the present moments with my sweet babe and my wonderful husband. I am learning to live in the present moment and cherish it for the gift that it is.

Another joy in this season of life is becoming closer to a few college friends. One of my girlfriends suggested doing a group on Voxer - this great voice message app. It has been the biggest blessing to me! We share all kinds of things on there - parenting tips, struggles, joys, our dreams, cooking ideas, and just everyday things. It has been a gift to have friendship through this app and to be able to share life in a new and fun way. I highly recommend it to you if you are looking to deepen a relationship with a friend who isn't close.

Well, as the beginning of spring emerges, I encourage you to spend some time alone, in the quiet, and see what your soul says. Let it breathe, let it be, and dream a little. It is good for our hearts to imagine, believe and dream what may seem impossible in the here and now.

Until next time, dear ones.

Friday, August 4, 2017

Exciting Changes Ahead!!

Hello there,

It's August here, and the humidity is back. Summertime has never been one of my favorite seasons - I much prefer the cool, crispness of fall to the heat and humidity of summer. However, in this season of life - preparing for our little one to arrive, the summer hasn't been so bad. It's been full of little getaways, showers with lots of fun things for our sweet baby girl, and laughter!

In the Mulkey household these days, we're spending lots of time preparing for Little Miss's arrival. And we know that this single act of her being born will change our lives forever! On the weekends, we savor sleeping in together, the cuddles, slowly waking up with french press coffee, pancakes, and my husband's famous egg scramble. These type of Saturdays will drift away only to return...well, maybe never, but there's a slight chance when our kids are teens, we might be able to have these type of Saturdays again.

We're in organizing overload mode. For once in my life, I'm good with getting rid of stuff - it's to make room for her sweet things, and I want a simpler house to bring her into. We're awaiting her dresser's arrival, and my husband needs to re-jig our closet so it'll slide in there, but soon enough, her nursery will be complete! I eagerly await that day.

In this last stage of pregnancy, I'm feeling all the feels! I am ever so excited to welcome our sweet little girl into the world, into our sweet family, and into the Lord's family, too! However, there's another mix of emotions. Will I be a good Mom? Will I know how to give her what she needs? To always love her and shower her with goodness, prayers, and hugs? Will my efforts be enough? How will her arrival shift our marriage? How will it shift my walk with Jesus? I have to say, in these months leading up to her birth, I have come to a deeper understanding of my King Jesus as my loving, caring Father. It's a sweet thing to encounter the Lord as a parent. He LOVES us soo incredibly much. And I know there's nothing I could ever do to change the height and depth of His great love for me. This truth is so comforting, dear friends!

I am sure that in this new season of motherhood, life will look a lot different. But I am also sure that there will be a sweetness to it. It'll be pretty amazing to see her first smile, to feel her cuddles, and learn all her adorable little cry's. Along with all those sweet little miracles will be exhaustion, tears, and many more things. For those of you out there who are already Mom's and Dad's, what little tid bits of wisdom do you have to share? Please leave a comment and enlighten me. I'm sure I'll be ever so eager to read these words once she arrives.

And I am praying for a good labor and delivery. These things always have surprises built into them, but I'm hoping and praying for a smooth process - as much as possible. And pleading with the Lord not to have a C-section. That's the one thing I desperately don't want, but ultimately we want baby and I to be okay.

Ah, yes - great changes are ahead, and great joys! And I for one am ready to embrace this new season that's right around the corner. Before we know it, Little Miss will be here in our arms. And our lives will never be the same. Yes, I do believe I am "ready" for this enormous change in our lives, and can't wait to be the best mother I possibly can, with the Lord's help, to this sweet little babe. My next post will be "after baby" - so until then - enjoy the dog days of summer, my friends! And take some time for you - to take a breath, and bask in the sunshine.


Tuesday, April 18, 2017

New adventures

Happy Spring, dear friends! 

It's been over a year since I've written on here. 2016 was a rough year, what can I say? There are numerous reasons, none of which I will get into here. If you really want to know, ask me to coffee. :)

We've had many "new" things in the past year or so. For one, we are now in a house! Horray. It's a lovely ranch style home with four bedrooms, and two and a half baths. We're making it home day by day. My husband loves the big yard, and we started a raised bed garden last summer, which was fun. I think we'll continue it this year. 

I started a new job working for a non-profit. I don't miss the corporate world, but I do miss the better pay. Ah - such is life. I'm also an independent consultant for Arbonne. Last year, my husband & I did their 30 days to healthy living program, and we both lost an immense amount of weight. I lost over 50 pounds, and my husband did another round recently, and is down 65 pounds!! Amazing. :) If you're interested in learning more - let me know! I'm passionate about helping people live healthier and happier lives. 

What else? We went to Italy on a cruise, which was an adventure! For my first trip to Europe, I'd say not too shabby. We definitely want to go back and explore more. This was just a taste. So far, Venice was my favorite city. I don't know if it will be after more trips to Italy, but for now it definitely is. My husband started a new job working as a Labor Relations Attorney for an Association downtown. He loves it and the job has excellent benefits. 

In the fall, we welcomed a "fellow" to live with us. It has been a good experience, but stretching. He lives in our basement and helps out a few days a week at our church with the International program, the Youth, and Sunday school for little ones. He also works a part time job downtown and attends some seminars. He's with us until the end of May. 

And this next bit of news, I'm so pleased to share. After a while of trying, we are finally pregnant! :) I'm so thrilled - we both are! We are eager to welcome baby into our home at the end of September. We've enjoyed reading baby books, creating our baby registry, and we recently started painting baby's sweet nursery. It's such an exciting time, and it's been great to start many new adventures. I'm not sure what the Lord has in store for the rest of 2017, but so far it's been a pretty great year.

In the midst of it all, I think I have become a more patient person. More patient with myself, others, God, and my dreams. If you would've asked me if I would be where I am professionally five to seven years ago, I would've scoffed. I had much higher ambitions, but this is where I am for now. It is where the Lord has me in this season, and I am learning a lot. It is good to be in a slower pace. That pace will surely increase when baby comes. Our God is good, friends. He is ever near us in every season and phase of our lives, lovingly calling us unto Himself. I am so grateful for his mercy, patience, and loving-kindness. His promises are true. 

Until next time...

-Tina Lou

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

End of the year musings...

Ah, it's December and the end of the month at that. We made it through all the holiday buzz, the Christmas present buying, Christmas photo card ordering, addressing, stamping, and mailing...and the holiday travel.

Don't get me wrong, I do LOVE this time of year, but it IS full. Quite full. A few times my family joked that sometime in the future, we'll all cruise to some warm place and enjoy Christmas there. Forget the presents and just enjoy the time and relaxation away from all this commotion and hype.

So, 2015 is almost over. Wow. Another year wrapping up, and what to make of it? Well, a lot has happened this year. My hubs found a job that he mostly enjoys. My job started to deteriorate and so I gave my notice and left. Making this decision was one of the best of the year. My stress decreased, eventually my body became healthier, and overall I am a much happier person. After some soul-searching and praying, I feel led to pursue my next job in the non-profit sphere and I am quite ecstatic about this change.

What else? We are loving our church community and the ways that we are plugged in with folks there. We enjoy our alone, married time, we're having fun with friends, and went on so many trips this year. I like flying Southwest, and I received a notice from them that I took 15 flights throughout the year. That is quite a lot. A highlight of my travels this past year was the "sister trip" that my older sis and I took to Chicago, where we saw U2 in concert. It was a lot of fun and a trip that I'll remember and cherish for years to come. Oh, another first happened this year. My folks finally made the trip to visit us out in DC. We had such a lovely time. I hope that they can come back every couple of years for good times and more sight-seeing. It was truly a good time.

Well, after 2016 commences, I will soon turn 29. What a strange year. It marks the beginning of the last year of my 20's. I can hardly believe that before I know it, I'll be 30. For some reason that year sounds so daunting...like the fun times, laid back schedules, selfish plans, traveling whenever and to wherever days will soon be over. And to replace those care-free 20's will be responsibility filled, big-life adult-like decisions that will tie us down, less travel, more bills, and a tighter schedule. Maybe that won't end up being true, but for some reason when folks turn 30, I think - "Wow, you are really an adult now...have fun with all that lovely responsibility." Eek...

My 20's have been full of adventure, to say the least. And I know it's hard to believe, but I've lived in the DC area for 5 and half years now! Wow - that's the longest I've lived anywhere as an adult. After college, I lived in Kansas for a year before I moved out here. Marriage became part of life in my 20's and it's been full of it's joys and challenges. I think if one wants to grow a lot, then marriage is a good fit. Being married to my hubby has given me a mirror of who I really am unlike any other relationship prior. It's full of it's good, fun, and deep times - and also full of sacrifice, hard times, and bumps along the way....but it's SO worth it.

I also became an Aunt in my 20's and it's a sweet and special deal. These cuties are adorbs and I love them with every ounce of my being. It's a joy to see them grow and change and develop into the little people that God is creating them to be. What an incredible journey they have in front of them! Oh, Lord - protect them from the bad, and help them embrace the journey and the learning that comes from experiencing life. It's definitely full of surprises!

What else? This year I went to a college reunion of my close girlfriends in KC and we had a good time hanging out, talking about babies and pregnancy and births, motherhood, wifehood, and all the challenges of life after college in the "real world". I'm thankful for those ladies. It is good to have people who we do life with and who really know the heart of me and I them. Those are precious friendships that I hope and pray last for the rest of my life. Love them dearly! Also, this year I started reading a book (Christian inspiration/study/encouragement) with a dear friend and discussing it weekly. After we concluded our first book - Simply Tuesday (highly recommend it!), we decided to continue this trend. I am excited to see what we learn and how we continue to grow through this process in 2016.

I feel like every time a new year rolls around that stating and trying (but usually failing miserably) to "new year resolutions" is the trendy thing to do. So, I guess I will jump on this silly bandwagon - and hey, maybe - just maybe I will follow through.

Here are a few 2016 goals/resolutions:

1. Exercise more (2-4 times weekly)
2. Eat less sweets (we're going to try to not buy them but only consume them at social gatherings or when I make sweet things that are gluten/dairy free).
3. Spend more conservatively - start to use cash again soley.
4. Spend more time in prayer and track my prayers in my prayer journal.
5. Read "Jesus Calling" more consistently.
6. Finish my children's book that I started this past year.
7. Create more artistic pieces. I am taking another watercolor class at the start of next year.
8. Walk outside more often.
9. Write 8-10 handwritten letters.
10. Cook and bake more at home; eat out less.

Well, that's all folks! There are my thoughts and musings over the past year and the past decade and a few of my hopes for next year. I pray that it is a bright year, full of goodness and lots of loving. :-)

Enjoy your last few days of 2015, dear readers. It is almost over...so cherish it.

-Tina Lou

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Fall time pondering and new seasons

Ah, fall. It is definitely my favorite season of the year. All the beautiful colors, usually crisp, cool weather that accompanies lovely layers of scarves, sweaters, hats, boots, and the like. This year it has been unusually warm. I know a lot of folks have welcomed the warmer weather, but for myself, I miss the cool weather. It just feels wrong for it to be 70 - 80 degrees outside with all the beautiful leaves changing into yellow, red, orange, and brown. Such is life sometimes.

This is a new season for me. I am exploring the beauty of having time. It has truly been a gift. These past few weeks, I have realized my great desire to help others and the joy that comes from this type of work. About five years ago, I worked at a non profit as an advocate for domestic violence and sexual assault victims. It brought great joy and was definitely a rewarding job, but it required a lot of energy and as you can imagine was stressful. It taught me a lot about time management, priorities, and compassion. After that job, I moved here - to the DC Metro area, and my life took a turn.

After working on the hill, I worked at a small business, a government contractor, did door to door sales and marketing, and then worked for a corporation. What a ride it has been! This next season will turn over a different leaf. Ones work must have meaning. I have observed that I NEED to be challenged in my work, to grow, expand or I become frustrated. Knowing that I am making a difference is key. Whether it be increasing the profit margin, creating a better working environment, establishing vibrant relationships that allow for teamwork, creative expression, efficient problem solving, and good project management or whether it simply be working hard and delivering a good product - it has to help in some form or fashion. Otherwise, the work falls flat - and frankly, so do I.

Relationships are important - I believe they are more vital to the work environment than a lot of people consider. Most folks I know show up to work, do their job, and go home. Some consider the value of getting to know their coworkers a little bit, and some do not. I have found in my short professional career of six years that those that go the extra step to know the person behind the work excel, grow, and rise to the top faster than those who do not.

Do you know what the strangest lesson I have learned since college? If one works fast, hard, grows, expands, and wants to move up the ladder it is not praised. Those who like where they are and want to stay there despise the hard worker who finishes their work quickly, efficiently, and with high quality. Why? It makes them look bad. Bizarre, right? I think so. Why wouldn't a person want to grow and improve themselves - work as hard as they can to produce the highest quality product, design, project in the least amount of time? It saves the company money. I haven't figure this one out yet.

I have seen a lot of busy work that amounts to a pile of beans. A lot of excuses about why it takes almost twice as long for some to complete a project than others, and justifications for staying in the same, comfortable place. I guess change is uncomfortable - I get that. But how can folks be content to stay in the same place? And believe you me - a lot of the workforce is perfectly content with the status quo. Maybe my discontentment with it - always wanting to see how I can improve a process or streamline a project or improve the big picture sets me apart. Or maybe it makes me a frustrating employee to have. Because I DO have a lot of ideas, and they do need vetting. The most irritating response to a great idea I have is this. "No, I don't think that is going to work. I mean, it's a great idea. I could see it happening, but you know, it's just a lot of work. I am not sure we have time for it. Let's go this route. I know it may not produce the same results, but it takes less time, so it's a good one. Thanks for your input!"

I mean, really? Do you know what I hear when someone tells me this? Lazy. Or that they aren't willing to put in the time or let me work a little extra to do it myself - which I am happy to do. Anyways, I have rambled and vented too much about my observations in the workforce.

All that to say, I am supremely excited for the possibilities this next season holds. I am sure there will be challenges, workplace drama (can't escape that!), frustrations, but I am hopeful that there will also be great joy. For in meaningful work, one can find great satisfaction, motivation, and endurance to press forward with vigor and a great work ethic and attitude. This is what I desire.

Having the ability to express myself creatively is key. The possibilities are endless. Let's dream in our workplaces, collaborate, produce high quality products, projects, and work. And let's not be fearful of the naysayer or the lazy coworker who pushes back. Let's dream greatness. It may just change the small corner of your workplace or mine. We have an opportunity in our short lifetime to make a real difference in other people's lives. Let that not just be in our personal lives, but also in our professional ones. For it is in that space - the workplace, that we spend the majority of our time. Make it count. Be the person you want others to be blessed and encouraged by. Let's learn to look outside of ourselves, take the extra minute to listen, and just see where it takes us.

New seasons are beautiful. I love that the new season I am walking into just happens to coincide with my favorite time of year - fall. I hope to fall deeply into the season with joy, hope, vigor, and a vision to help others and work hard.

What is your ambition in this season of your life? Seasons come and go. It is how we treat them that matters - with care, with a ho hum attitude that coasts, with disdain, with energy - these are the options, dear friends. I hope you walk into the next phase of your season with eyes wide open, ready to offer your best and see the results.

Enjoy the rest of this lovely season. May it bring joy to your hearts.

Until next time,
Tina Lou

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Hello dear readers...

Since my health is a fiasco right now, I don't think I am going to write about it anymore. Maybe someday in the future I will be healthy again, but I need a break from focusing on it for now. So, instead I will just give some thoughts and updates from summertime thus far.

First of all, I can hardly believe that summer is already halfway over! What happened? Where did all the time go? :) At the end of May, we made a trip with folks from our church to the Chesapeake Bay and it was a lovely time. I highly recommend going if you have a chance - it's beautiful. June came and went - I was sick for most of it, so there wasn't a lot of exciting happenings. At the end of June I met my older sister in Chicago for a sister weekend and we had a blast!

We ate delicious food - deep dish Chicago pizza, a yummy brunch at Bakin' & Eggs, good Greek food, and the Art Institute's cafeteria salad, which was surprisingly delicious. The first night we went and explored Millennium Park and enjoyed an outdoor concert, where they played Mendelson's Reformation and it was absolutely lovely. For a little while, I was in another world enjoying the melody and stunning images that came to mind as the music wafted throughout the park. The next day, we went to the beach - it was grand. I wish my city had a beach at the end of it - what a glorious thing! That evening we went to the top of the old Sears tower - now known as the Willis tower. There were fabulous views at the top of it - but the whole experience took about 3 hours, which was a lonnng time.

On our last full day there, we spent the day at the Art Institute and it was fabulous. There's so much to see - we didn't even see all of it. Someday, I definitely want to go back! In the evening, we made our way to the United Center and saw U2 in concert. Wow! What an experience. It was incredible, dear friends. If you ever have a chance, spend the money and go see them - so grand.

For the 4th of July, we spent time with both families, which was great. I always enjoy celebrating the 4th with G's family. It amounts to pedi's and mani's, a big group lunch out, hanging in the afternoon, a yummy dinner with homemade ice cream, and then the cousins put on a nice nighttime show. Good times, indeed! This year, there were a few little ones in the mix, which was a blast.

New this summer is the fact that my husband finally found a job - and he loves it! He works a lot these days, but they are quite busy and it helps that he enjoys it greatly. My job is another story...

My mother-in-law is planning a visit at the end of the month and I think we plan to go to the Building Museum, which should be great fun. I see they have a cool beach exhibit there right now. I'm excited!

In other news, I started a watercolor art class this week through the art league. I'm excited to learn and create with watercolor. Previously, I have done oil painting and charcoal. Both are great, but a lot more time consuming than watercolor. The supplies almost broke the bank, but I keep reminding myself that they will last for a while.

And here are a few hopes for the rest of the year...

- To see my college girlfriends all in one place for an extended weekend.
- For my folks to finally come visit us here in DC.
- To have some breathing room.
- Go see NYC with my babe (the hubs).
- Finally write that children's book I've been planning to write for years...

That's about it for now. Hope your summers are going splendidly. Be sure to make time for the beach or the pool. Hanging in the sun is good for the soul.


Tina Lou